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Followers Animation

mohitparmar1's github profile

its animation that shows followers are increasing

Advance Clock

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the real-time dynamic clock that I created using the JS and DOM manipulation and using responsive design and css part.

Personal Portfolio Website

villAsh's github profile

This is my personal portfolio website made using reactjs


sabhisharma-ise's github profile

Simon is an game of short-term memory skill

Weather App

SurajG20's github profile

Weather app made in reactjs using OpenWeather Api and GeoDbApi for city suggestions


pranshu05's github profile

My portfolio website made in reactjs.


ShreyaDhiman24's github profile

Thrift is a humanitarian effort dedicated to promoting literacy by offering free old books to learners. Along with them, you can buy OR sell second hand books & your handmade works as well. A unique component of our work is the identification of adjacent NGOs that can place requests for books or other needed items for children, thereby benefiting pupils.


adity2911's github profile

Video Calling Android App

Multi Step Form

himanshukrmr's github profile

Designing a multi step form and implementing js functionality

Disney+ Hotstar Clone

govardhan-26's github profile

A Web application that replicates the features of the popular streaming platform, Disney+ Hotstar.